How Cycling Reduces Stress & Keeps You Guarded Against Cholesterol

As the world around us is getting advanced each second, we are depending more and more on technology. Machines were built to ease human effort, and now we are in a state where our dependence on them have made us put in less efforts, both physically and mentally to an extent that is harmful. The after effects are clearly evident. Cholestrol and Stress: How are they related | What are that effects? In the United States alone, 610,000 people die from heart disease every year. That equates to 1 in 4 people will be having life threating issues due to heart disease. In the UAE, 30% of all deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases. And with each passing year, the diseases are penetrating lower age brackets. In other words, heart diseases are becoming common in young adults, more so after the age of 25. The lifestyle certainly plays a vital role in contracting cardiovascular disease. What you eat and how much you exercise certainly has a massive effect on your heart and cholesterol ...