7 countries around the world that embrace cycling culture

Cycling has become ever so famous in the past as many are realizing the benefits of cycling and how it impacts themselves and society as a whole. However, not all country in the world share the same level of love and care for cycling. Some have already made changes to embrace cycling while others are still in the developing phase. In this article, we will discuss countries around the world that embrace cycling, and how they are leading the way for the rest of the world to follow. 1. The Netherlands For the Dutch, cycling is not a chore or something that they push themselves to do. For them, it is a way of life. This is why in the Netherlands, you can see people of all age groups on cycles, and it is common between people of different economic strata. It is estimated that there are 23 million bicycles in the Netherlands, and this is for a population of only 17 million people. The Netherlands is also very attentive towards the needs of the cyclist because in...